- Taylor jumping out of bed
- The various objects Erik throws downstairs
- Erik's head against the floor after he falls off the chair
- Erik's head against the floor after Taylor pushes him
- The block that Erik then threw at Taylor's head
- The drawers of Taylor's dresser being slammed after he gets his 20th pair of underwear out
- An unbalanced load of laundry
Correction: A broken washer. Because my washer is obviously quite spiteful and bitter that I've been lusting over other washers, it decided to quit on laundry day. Not that I necessarily have a specific laundry day. Laundry day is whichever day I realize that none of us have any more clean clothes and I start using Taylor's emergency underwear that I have stashed away in the car. The saddest part about the whole situation is that the washer is most likely repairable. Why is that sad? Because if it wasn't repairable then I wouldn't have to decide between just buying a new washer or repairing this one. Is it cheaper to repair this one? Obviously. It's not like an '84 Honda Civic hatchback that you're holding together with duct tape and you're just praying it gets you through the week. In fact, I feel like I'm almost cheating on my washer since I'm trying to think of ways to validate getting a new one.
Maybe Kent will make this easier. Maybe Kent will say, "You know what, honey? You work so hard and you're 8 months pregnant and I just wonder how you do it all. You're practically supermom, and I think we should just get you a new washer AND dryer. You deserve it. Why don't you go and pick a set out? And stop and get a pedicure on your way home. And have I mentioned how thin you look lately? Why don't you eat another helping of brownies and ice cream?"
Hmmm... was the brownies and ice cream comment too much to hope for?