The Quote-

"Parenthood is why some animals eat their young"

-by Someone Really Smart

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Busy Beaver

I've been frantically trying to get things finished before the baby comes. Last week I cleaned out and organized the entire garage (okay, so maybe I have one wall left to do...) and finally finished the crib bedding. The only problem is that Erik is still using the crib. So after I finished the bedding, I realized that I can't even use it for a while. But at least it's done.

Here's the quilt. I bought so many different fabrics to try out that I ended up just using whatever I had leftover to do it.

I've been toying with the idea of painting the crib white or dark brown. What do you think?


Carlie Hills said...

I don't know Steph...I'm not sure you're using your time very efficiently. Maybe you could paint a mural on the wall after you can your fruit and make your bread. I'll buy you a ticket to come to GA anytime you feel like it and you can help me out! I miss you!!

ChristinaB said...

Love the bedding But when will you move Erik out of the crib? or do you sleep the baby somewhere else at first?

Amanda said...

I would leave the bed the color it is...I hate painting furniture, though.

Good luck and keep us posted on how you're doing.

Megan said...

I'm so excited to meet her! I love that you made those for her, they're so cute! I can picture the crib white with that bedding but I can't picture it dark brown. You could always wait a few weeks after she's born and make one of the Saunders boys do it when we're up there... I'll volunteer Jack... lol :)

Kimberly said...

I think the bedding would look great with a lighter or darker crib. That said, I'm with Amanda. We repainted Jonah's crib and didn't realize until we were almost done that we didn't do it right. The whole process is...quite involved. And smelly. And dirty.

Our Brazilian Adventure said...

I think the crib would like GREAT white!!! I love the quilt and the bedding!! You are SO talented!!!

Nicole Saunders said...

Eh, its no biggie. Just sand and paint. Funny, we have some of Kelli's old bedroom furniture, and eventually I wanted it to be white or dark brown baby stuff too:) Have you considered staining it dark brown? Not sure if it would make that big of a difference over painting, but its an idea. Cute stuff, Girlie.

Chelsea said...

This turned out so good! As for the crib, if you have the time, ambition, and means with which to paint go right ahead, but if not it looks good the way it is. What store did you go to for the fabric?

Linda said...

See I told you it wasn't hard. It looks great. As for painting the bed, I wouldn't. When Kent was a baby he chewed on the whole top of the white crib. Left teeth marks all the way around it. Leave it how it is, looks great. Would you paint the dresser & changing table too?

Kimberly said...

Can I comment twice? Jonah is also chewing paint off. Gross.

Amanda said...

Steph you are funny! I can't believe how crafty you are! When we live by eachother again you will have to teach me. I guess I need to buy a sewing machine first...hmmm. Your baby girl's bed stuff is adorable! Don't paint the bed. Too much work for her to just chew it off and then have to take her into Kent's clinic for lead poisoning. Seriously, not worth it.

Millers! said...

So cute! I love your colors I think that wood actually matches pretty good... Look at you all sewing like a good molly mormon mom! LOL! It turned out great!

Jennifer said...

Awesome quilt! My vote is for dark brown.

Jennifer said...

Wow! I can't believe you made all that...definitely impressed! My vote is to leave the crib as is....I'm not much for painted furniture either.

Damaris said...

that's so youuuuu... thinking about painting when you are almost delivering a child hahahaha. I say for the less stress option don't paint. but since you are as hyper as me who knows! miss you